
TRAP GOT ME! “Connections” – June 20,2024: Find the Categories

TRAP GOT ME! “Connections” – June 20,2024: Find the Categories in puzzle game.The popular online puzzle game “Connections” is known for its engaging challenges and intricate gameplay. Every day, players are presented with a new puzzle that requires them to find connections between seemingly unrelated words. On June 20, the game introduced a particularly tricky puzzle that had players across the globe scratching their heads. In this article, we will dive deep into the “Connections” puzzle of June 20, exploring the categories, strategies, and tips to solve it efficiently. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, this comprehensive guide will help you master the art of finding connections in the game.

Understanding the Basics of “Connections”

“Connections” is a word puzzle game that challenges players to identify and categorize words based on common themes or relationships. The game presents a grid of words, and players must find groups of four words that share a common category. The challenge lies in identifying these categories, which can range from straightforward to highly abstract.

Gameplay Mechanics

  1. Word Grid: The game presents a 5×5 or 6×6 grid of words.
  2. Categories: Players must find and select groups of four words that belong to the same category.
  3. hints and Clues: The game provides subtle hints through the arrangement and selection process.
  4. Time Limit: Some versions of the game impose a time limit to add an extra layer of challenge.

The Puzzle of June 20: An Overview

The puzzle introduced on June 20 was particularly challenging due to the deceptive nature of its categories. Many players fell into traps, misidentifying connections and struggling to find the correct groupings. Let’s break down the puzzle and explore the categories that stumped many.

The Word Grid

The word grid for June 20 included the following words:

  1. Apple
  2. Bank
  3. Cat
  4. Date
  5. Egg
  6. Fan
  7. Gold
  8. House
  9. Ink
  10. Jack
  11. King
  12. Light
  13. Map
  14. Nail
  15. Orange
  16. Queen
  17. Rose
  18. Sun
  19. Tree
  20. Umbrella
  21. Violet
  22. Wall
  23. Xylophone
  24. Yard
  25. Zoo

Breaking Down the Categories

To solve the puzzle, players needed to identify the categories that connected groups of four words. Here are the categories and the words that fit into each one:

Category 1: Colors

  1. Gold
  2. Light
  3. Orange
  4. Violet

Category 2: Types of Fruit

  1. Apple
  2. Date
  3. Orange
  4. Rose (used in some cuisines as an ingredient, e.g., rose hips)

Category 3: Elements of a House

  1. Wall
  2. Yard
  3. House
  4. Light

Category 4: Board Game Pieces

  1. King
  2. Queen
  3. Jack
  4. House (a “safe house” in some games)

Strategies for Solving the Puzzle

Finding connections in “Connections” requires a combination of linguistic skills, logical thinking, and a keen eye for detail. Here are some strategies to help you tackle even the most challenging puzzles:

1. Look for Obvious Groups

Start by identifying any obvious groups of words. For example, colors and types of fruit are usually easier to spot.

2. Consider Multiple Meanings

Many words in the game have multiple meanings. For example, “Date” can be both a fruit and a calendar date. Be open to different interpretations.

3. Use Elimination

If you’re unsure about a group, try to eliminate words that clearly don’t belong. This process of elimination can help narrow down your options.

4. Think Abstractly

Some categories are more abstract and require creative thinking. For example, the category “Board Game Pieces” in the June 20 puzzle required thinking beyond literal meanings.

5. Take Breaks

If you’re stuck, take a break and return to the puzzle later. A fresh perspective can often lead to breakthroughs.


Common Traps and How to Avoid Them

The June 20 puzzle was notorious for its traps. Here are some common pitfalls and tips on how to avoid them:

Trap 1: Misleading Categories

Words like “Rose” and “House” can belong to multiple categories, leading to confusion. Always double-check your groupings.

Trap 2: Overthinking

Sometimes, players overthink the connections, searching for overly complex relationships. Keep it simple and trust your instincts.

Trap 3: Ignoring Context

Pay attention to the context provided by the other words in the grid. They can offer clues about the correct categories.

Advanced Techniques for Mastery

For those looking to take their “Connections” gameplay to the next level, here are some advanced techniques:

1. Pattern Recognition

Developing a keen sense of pattern recognition can help you quickly identify categories. Practice by playing regularly and reviewing past puzzles.

2. Collaborative Solving

Solving puzzles with friends or family can provide new perspectives and ideas. Collaborative solving can be both fun and educational.

3. Keeping a Log

Maintain a log of past puzzles and categories. This can help you recognize recurring themes and improve your solving speed.

In-Depth Analysis: The June 20 Puzzle Categories

Let’s delve deeper into the specific categories and words from the June 20 “Connections” puzzle to better understand why this puzzle was particularly challenging and how players can approach similar puzzles in the future.

Category 1: Colors

Identifying colors as a category can be straightforward, but it can also be deceptive if not all colors are immediately recognizable. In this puzzle, the colors were:

  1. Gold: This can be tricky since “gold” can also be considered a metal or a precious material.
  2. Light: Often used in the context of “light colors” or “light shades,” but it can also be seen as an illumination source.
  3. Orange: Clearly a color but also a fruit, which can lead to confusion.
  4. Violet: A less common color name, which might be overlooked by some players.

Strategy: When identifying colors, think beyond the common shades like red, blue, and green. Consider less obvious colors and variations, and remember that words might have dual meanings.

Category 2: Types of Fruit

Fruit categories can also be tricky due to the multiple uses of certain words. For instance:

  1. Apple: Recognizable as a fruit but also a tech company.
  2. Date: A fruit, but also a calendar event.
  3. Orange: A fruit and a color, leading to potential misclassification.
  4. Rose: While not a common fruit, rose hips are used in some culinary contexts, making it a more abstract connection.

Strategy: Look for common fruits first and then consider more abstract or less common fruits. Remember that not all fruits are widely recognized and some words may have culinary uses that fit the category.

Category 3: Elements of a House

This category included elements commonly associated with homes:

  1. Wall: Clearly an element of a house.
  2. Yard: Often part of the home’s outdoor area.
  3. House: Directly related to the category.
  4. Light: Part of the home’s infrastructure, providing illumination.

Strategy: Think about both the structural elements and the common areas of a house. Consider components both inside and outside the house, such as gardens or yards, which are extensions of the home environment.

Category 4: Board Game Pieces

Board game pieces can be an abstract category, requiring players to think beyond the obvious:

  1. King: A piece in chess and other board games.
  2. Queen: Similarly, a piece in chess and various other games.
  3. Jack: Found in card games and some board games.
  4. House: This is more abstract, potentially referring to a “safe house” in certain games.

Strategy: When identifying board game pieces, think about classic games like chess and card games. Consider any pieces that might be used in these games and think abstractly about terms like “house” which might represent safe zones or specific areas within the games.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

The June 20 puzzle’s traps can teach us a lot about common pitfalls in “Connections” and how to avoid them.

Misleading Categories

Words like “Orange” and “Rose” can fit into multiple categories, which can mislead players. For instance, “Orange” is both a color and a fruit, and “Rose” is a flower that can be associated with scents or ingredients in some culinary uses.

Tip: Always double-check your groups before finalizing them. If a word fits into more than one category, consider which category it most likely belongs to based on the other words in the grid.

Overthinking Connections

Players might overthink the connections, looking for complex relationships where simple ones exist. This is a common issue with abstract or less obvious categories.

Tip: Keep it simple. Start with the most obvious connections and then move to more abstract ones. Trust your initial instincts and avoid overcomplicating the connections.

Ignoring Context

Ignoring the context provided by the other words in the grid can lead to missed connections. Each word’s position and relationship to the other words can offer significant clues.

Tip: Pay close attention to the grid as a whole. Look at how words are grouped and use that to inform your decisions. Often, words placed close together or in a particular sequence can provide hints about their connections.

Advanced Gameplay Techniques

For advanced players looking to further hone their skills, here are some techniques to master “Connections”:

Pattern Recognition

Developing a keen sense of pattern recognition can dramatically improve your ability to identify categories quickly. This involves:

  1. Practicing Regularly: The more you play, the better you get at spotting patterns.
  2. Studying Past Puzzles: Reviewing past puzzles can help you recognize common categories and word groupings.

Collaborative Solving

Solving puzzles with others can provide new perspectives and ideas, helping you see connections you might have missed on your own.

  1. Team Up with Friends: Working with friends or family can make the game more enjoyable and provide different viewpoints.
  2. Online Communities: Joining online forums or communities dedicated to puzzle games can offer additional insights and strategies.

Keeping a Log

Maintaining a log of past puzzles, including the words and categories, can help you spot recurring themes and improve your solving speed.

  1. Record Your Solutions: Keep track of your solutions and the categories you identified.
  2. Analyze Patterns: Review your log periodically to identify common patterns and themes.

Additional Resources

For those looking to further improve their “Connections” gameplay, here are some additional resources and tips:

  1. Online Puzzle Forums: Join forums and discussion groups where players share tips and strategies.
  2. Puzzle Books: Invest in puzzle books that focus on word connections and logic games.
  3. Daily Practice: Make it a habit to solve at least one puzzle daily to keep your skills sharp.

By following these guidelines and utilizing these resources, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most challenging “Connections” puzzles. Keep practicing, stay patient, and most importantly, enjoy the process of finding connections. Happy puzzling!


The “Connections” puzzle of June 20 was a true test of players’ skills and creativity. By understanding the basics of the game, employing effective strategies, and avoiding common traps, you can enhance your gameplay and enjoy the challenge of finding connections. Remember, practice and patience are key to mastering “Connections.” Happy puzzling!



What made the June 20 “Connections” puzzle particularly challenging?

The puzzle featured deceptive categories and words with multiple meanings, making it hard to identify correct groupings.

How can I improve my skills in solving “Connections” puzzles?

Practice regularly, consider multiple word meanings, use elimination techniques, and collaborate with others.

What strategies can I use to avoid common traps in “Connections”?

Double-check groupings, avoid overthinking, and pay attention to the context of the words in the grid.

What are some common categories in “Connections” puzzles?

Common categories include colors, types of fruit, household items, board game pieces, and professions.

How often is a new “Connections” puzzle released?

A new puzzle is typically released daily, providing a fresh challenge every day.

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